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IPMG Stakeholder's Forum 2024 National Strategy for Innovative Medicines and Vaccines

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Today, at the IPMG Stakeholders’ Forum, we proudly launched the IPMG Manifesto—a strategic roadmap to transform access to medical innovation in Indonesia.

The manifesto calls for #effective and #sustained #partnerships between the government and healthcare stakeholders. It provides practical solutions to expand equitable access, foster innovation, and align policies with national priorities. By implementing these solutions, Indonesia stands to achieve substantial benefits, including improved health outcomes, economic resilience, and a reduction in medical tourism.

The forum served as a #collaborative #platform to translate these shared goals into actionable strategies. Participants approached discussions with openness and a unified commitment: to enhance the lives of millions of Indonesians through a stronger healthcare system.

Indonesia faces a pivotal moment. While the challenges are significant, the opportunities are even greater. Together, we can create a healthcare system that not only addresses today's needs but also anticipates and meets the demands of the future.

#innovation #outcomes #UHC #publichealth #indonesia #partnership #IPMG

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